Are employee health and wellness programs a hype?

Are you participating in the employee health and wellness programs in your company?

Employees wellness is a hot topic these days. Health insurance rates keep going up.

You probably want to blame the insurance companies for continuing raising our rates. Unfortunately, the blame lies more on the individual, for not taking care of their health and wellness.

The majority of us spend most of our days at work. We sit around a lot, eat unhealthy snacks, go out to lunch with co-workers, the list goes on.

It is easy to get unhealthy because we work. Just don’t go out and quit now and blame it all on me!

Being an active participant in employee health and wellness programs is good for everyone. Especially you.

Do you have co-workers who regularly bring in doughnuts? How many people keep candy or chocolate on their desk? What about those soda and vending machines with fatty or salty snacks?

If poor eating and sedentary behavior are the norm, obesity will follow. The problems arising from obesity are numerous.

Stress is another factor easy to overlook. If you are overworked or regularly under a lot of pressure, food may temporarily fill that emotional need.

Let’s face it. Working can be hazardous to your health and wellness! Work and wellness can be on opposite sides.

Prevention is good. I see the benefits of taking care of my health. I also see the results in my clients who take responsibility for their wellness.

I suggest using the Wellness Inventory program in a corporate environment to support the employees wellness. This 12 dimensions of wellness plan focuses on the whole person, not on people as statistics.

A six or 12 month employees wellness program may look like this:

  • Online health and wellness assessment

  • Assessment feedback. Find the areas you are most motivated to change

  • Personal Wellness Planner

  • Online resources: My Wellness Journal, Self-Study, Resource Centers, Email Reminders

  • Telephone Wellness Coaching with your Personal Wellness Consultant

  • Interactive Workshops

  • Reassessment & Test Comparison

Is there a company wellness program in place where you work? If there isn’t, request they get one. Have them contact me for more information or visit my corporate wellness solutions page to learn more about it.

Employee health and wellness programs are easy to start. They can be a life-saver and save thousands or millions of dollars to a corporation.

Choose more healthy habits to live well and be happy. Below are some things you can do right now. Can you choose one to start?

  • Pack your own lunch. It is good for the wallet and for the waist line.

  • Keep your desk stocked with healthy snacks. I usually keep raw cashew nuts, rice crackers, nuts and dry cranberries mix.

  • Take a 10 minutes break once a day and go for a walk. It is good for the body and the mind. Trust me.

  • Business lunches can be tricky. Choose the healthy dishes from the menu or ask that one be served.

  • You may request that your company have vending machines with healthier snacks. Granola, baked chips, trail mix are healthy snacks.

  • Ask your cafeteria to offer salad, fruit, soups and deli sandwiches, if they are not already doing so.

Share with me your experience participating in employee health and wellness programs. I want to hear from you.

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